Dropping Courses

从注册开始到学期第二周,学生可以在UR Student上退课和加课.

Beginning with the third week of the semester through the end of the fourth week of the semester, an electronic drop/add form must be used to add a class. 学生可以在学期的第四周结束前放弃UR Student的一门课程.

After the end of the fourth week of the semester, and up until the end of the eleventh week of the semester, students are eligible to withdraw from one or more courses. A notation of "W" will be recorded on the transcript. 退出一门或多门课程可能会影响毕业计划, financial aid, and for international students--their visa status. 学生总是被建议与他们的老师或大学顾问讨论他们的退课计划. 提交删除/添加表单的过程将在下面更详细地描述.

Hajim School students are always required, 在更改课程安排之前,获得本科协调员或指导教师的许可. 强烈建议没有在哈吉姆学院学习专业的本科生与学院或指导老师讨论任何时间表的变化.

在学期结束时选择退出所有课程的学生将不被允许注册并在下学期返回. 在这种情况下,学生应该按照表格中列出的程序 leave of absence or withdrawal page.

关于放弃微积分课程还有额外的政策. See the drop policy for calculus page for more information.

One- and Two-Credit Courses

The deadline to drop one- or two-credit courses, whether full- or half-semester courses, 是课程的第三周结束(假设课程在学期开始时就开始了).

If the course begins after the start of the semester在美国,放弃一到两学分课程的最后期限是课程的第二周结束.

NROTC Students

NROTC学生还必须获得海军科学教授的许可才能放弃或增加一门课程. 在任何情况下,他们都不能将课程负荷减少到12学时以下. 未能满足这些要求可能会导致失去奖学金和/或从NROTC项目中删除.

Add/Drop Form Instructions

General Drop/Add Information:

  • Please refer to the official academic calendar on the registrar’s website for specific dates for dropping, adding, and withdrawing from courses each semester:
    • Use UR Student as much as possible to adjust your schedule. 许多学生发现使用UR Student中的编辑注册功能来调整他们的时间表是很有帮助的.
  • If you need to use the online drop/add form (pdf):将表格保存到桌面上,然后填写表格的每个部分.
  • 保存表单后,将完成的表单作为附件发送到 registrar@ivantseng.com.
  • Before submitting a drop/add form, 请验证您正在进行的更改是否存在时间冲突. 我们建议学生先注册最难进入的课程,然后通过电子邮件向两位教师申请重叠许可. Please forward the overlap permissions, with the drop/add form, to registrar@ivantseng.com.

After Drop/Add Period ends:

During the Course Withdrawal period:

  • 在退课期间,所有课程安排的更改将通过 online drop/add form(pdf). Students who plan to underload (12-13学分)将收到导师的电子邮件,讨论他们的学术计划.
  • 在学生回复顾问的电子邮件之前,请求的更改将不会被处理.

Advisor/Instructor Permission:

  • 一年级和二年级的学生还没有宣布他们的专业, 是否应该向他们的大学顾问咨询他们的日程安排.
  • All undeclared and declared Hajim students (engineering, computer science, 或工程科学)将需要本科协调员的电子邮件, submitted along with the drop/add form, indicating approval for the schedule change.


在学期第四周结束前放弃的课程将从成绩单和指导记录中删除. Beginning with the fifth week, 然后一直到第十一周课程的最后一天, 课程将以W的“分数”和该课程被取消的那一周出现在建议记录上, 成绩单上的“成绩”为W(未指定星期).


如果课程少于14个学分,则需要欠载批准, 少于12个学分的课程将不被授予.

Students should be aware of the fact that dropping below 12 credits before the four-week deadline will affect all financial aid. 只有注册至少12个学分的学生才能获得大学助学金和奖学金. 即使在四周的截止日期后,学分降至12个以下也可能改变TAP, Pell, and loan eligibility. 考虑采取此类行动的学生请参考 Financial Aid Office.

Varsity athletes wanting to drop below 12 credits should be referred to Athletics and Recreation, since NCAA regulations are strict on this point.

International students are not permitted to drop below 12 credits. 很少有例外,学生必须经常咨询 International Services Office (ISO) and an advisor in CCAS.

同时也是罗彻斯特大学员工的兼职学生使用学费福利时,请查看 tuition benefit policy.
